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Sunday 9 June 2013

Diary Twaddle part 4


I spent the evening trying to figure out where my maths had gone wrong. My mobile phone just wasn't up to the job and I kept accidentally calling O2. In the end I gave up and spent a restless night snoozing in the chair. It was hard to tell when it was morning because guess what- it was still dark outside. How do aliens ever know when to get up?

Wally was watching something out of the window. I peered over his shoulder and was surprised to see the participants of the Tour de France; Mark Cavendish waved as he whizzed by.

And then something amazing happened. My hero Beardy Branson came to the rescue.

"Do you need a tow?" he asked.

I had never been so relieved to see a white haired millionnaire!

The tow rope shot out from the Dreamliner and docked with our hook and we were soon on our way home.

Back home, not much had changed. The slugs were still eating the plants and the birds were still letting them get away with it. We waved to Beardy as he jettisoned us off as he headed back toward his secret air base north of London on the M1.

Maisie was relieved to see Wally safe and sound as she'd had no one to harrass lately. And of course, glad to see me, because she had been unable to reach her special doggy biscuits with her short stubby arms.

I decided next time I had one of my fabulous ideas, I'd do a bit more planning. I couldn't bear to think what would have happened if Mr Beardy hadn't come to my rescue. I took out my Notebook of Exciting Things to Do and crossed off 'Astronaut'.

Now, what's next, I wondered to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Julia this was a great little adventure and even at 51 I really enjoyed reading it. Please have something else on your bucket list, these little snippets cheer me up no end.
