Well, what a week. It started on Bank Holiday Monday with a brilliant Bembridge Street Fayre. The weather was glorius and it was heaving with people; I sold tons of books!! If only I could have one of those a week!!
People that I meet at fayres often ask me where they can buy my books on the high street. The best news of all is that my books are going to be in WATERSTONES!!!!! Yeehaa! You can buy them off the shelf at Waterstones in Newport, Isle of Wight, or ask your local Waterstones to order Wally and Bert, BFF's or Royal Fleas for you, or go to waterstones.com and when I re-issue Vincent and the Vampires under my own publishing name, you will be able to get that too!
I intend to get going on the artwork for Flossie Bonce this week, with a view to it being printed and ready for sale in September. Here's a sneaky look at a first drawing of the front cover.
I really am ridiculously excited! I feel like I'm 9 again, been to a party, had too much sugar and need to lie down for a while!