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Friday, 25 January 2013

Wally and Bert, on their way!!

The children at Barton will be excited to see their work in print soon. Wally and Bert BFFs has passed it's proof reading sessions with the dogs and we all think it's ready to be launched on the public.

The real Wallydog is cross that Wally in the book looks nothing like him. But I distract him from his melancholy but saying 'BISCUITS'. 

I first thought of the characters in the book when out walking the real Wallydog, who's tail persistently taps him on the back when he's got a little jaunt in his step. He kept turning round to see who was doing it, not realising it was his own tail. Thus was born the character of Bert, the dog's best friend who is at least twice as clever as the actual dog himself.

In this story, they step in for their housemate and chum Blenda, who is too ill to go to work. They go instead and spend the afternoon with Mr Wong at the Chinese Restaurant. It all goes a bit pearshaped though, when Wally loses his concentration.....

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Feeding the Birds wearing New Hedgehog Earmuffs

Here's a picture that you can buy either framed in a white box frame, or just mounted. I have it on my Etsy and Folksy sites, but looking out of the window on made me think of it as there are bird feeders on the apple tree right outside. 

I like to think the little fairy got her earmuffs as a Christmas present from FC himself, as a thankyou for helping with the 2012 season.

FYI the hedgehogs like to help.

I've decided to have a FIVE DAY SNOWY BONANZA and sell the mounted prints for £6 plus p&p (£2.50). All you have to do is check out the Folksy site on

Go on! treat yourself to some snowy quirky art! 

This Bonanza will self destruct on 22nd January.

PS If you want a box frame version, email me.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Readying myself for snow

In two days time we are promised much snow. 

And as such, I thought it would be a good idea to tidy my new studio. I've given the festivals and fayres boxes a jolly good going over and accompanied by a small buffoon in a jersey (Maisie),  managed to clear my lovely new desk.

Now is the time of year that we decide what festivals to do in the summer months. It looks like we'll start on March 2nd with the 'I love Wight' fayre at Brickfields. Wally and Bert is currently in production, so it could well be the first outing for the little fella.

I like a nice bit of snow when it's white; Maisie has never seen snow before, so that will be interesting. Wally has had a serious telling of today for eating something utterly revolting in the garden (he had his teeth brushed and paws washed, it was that bad) and I've got my Wacom drawing tablet out again to give it a second chance. 

We've spent a bit of time in Cowes this week due to exams being taken by one of the inhabitants of Chateau Marriner. It's such a lovely arty place and gives me much inspiration. I've had a great idea.....

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your Bears.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Happy New January

Well, here we are, January again, another new year and good news is afoot. The second proof of Wally & Bert arrived this morning, proving that my new printer is really on the ball. The first one arrived a couple of days before Christmas and some very kind friends proof read for me and pointed out all my crazy errors! Like writing PolyWallythene instead of Existentialism. Bah! easy mistake to make.

I'm having tingly ideas about Wally & Bert #2 and but think I might first tackle Flossie Bonce, the story about a fairy who helps out Father Christmas when he comes down with the colly wobbles on Christmas Eve. I have a bit of a soft spot for fairies as I think I know where some live. 

I'm also half way through another of the 'Red Wellington' stories for my chum Darrin, so intend to have all ten finished by summer so they can get animated and put onto YouTube. Here's one from  'The Snowmen'. By all accounts, this might be relevant in the next few weeks!!