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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Wally & Bert BFFs front cover

Contrary to a previous post, I have completely reworked the front cover of Wally and Bert, BFFs. Here is the updated version, which I feel tells the story much better.

I'm currently waiting for the book proof to come from the new printer's in Exeter. This is potentially great news, as people often ask in astonishment why I have been printing in the USA. The answer to that question was that it was more cost effective, even with the shipping costs to get the books printed in the US. However, I have been put onto another printer which the same price, but in Blighty. If only we could do it on the Island, we could even cut out the postage!! 

Hope you like the cover. Look out for his arrival in the New Year.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Merry Winter Holidaynessmass

So much has been happening at Chateau Scarlett Inc that I barely know where to start! Mr M has all but finished the new studio and last week I moved most of my workstuff in. Next week we are due to have some electricity put in, so then we can also have some heat - as it's FREEEEEZING there at the moment. He has very cleverly put big skylights in the roof, so we actually don't need any artificial lighting at all. Natural light is much better for painting too.

The second exciting piece of news is that Wally and Bert has gone to the printers and I'm hoping to see a proof before Christmas - although that might be pushing it a bit. The children in Year 4 at Barton have done a cracking job of drawing some animals for the back endpage and we have some quotes from them in the front about being best friends. I can't wait to see it in print.

Next jobs for me will include finishing off the Wellington Boot stories for YouTube and then having a good think about the next Wally & Bert story. I already have an idea. A very silly idea. You'll have to wait and see if its a good idea!!

Hoping you all have a lovely Christmas, eat lots of minky pies and if you don't like them, send them to me and eat some chocolate instead. And if you don't like chocolate either, What is Wrong With You????