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Thursday, 26 July 2012

The birth of a lovely thing...

Caw blimey, at long last it's SCORCHIO! The dogs are busy baking their little brains dry while Mr M is whacking posts into the new studio site, in preparation for the structure to go up. I can't wait to have somewhere proper to work, after all these years of working here... (yes, that is the end of my bed)

 and here... (yes, that is a 3ft cubby hole where no light can possibly reach)

 I will soon be working from here....

Obviously, by soon, I mean hopefully by Christmas. 

I accidently had quite a lot of time off illustrating following the arrival of the two younger M's. How I laugh now at my naivite, thinking I might take 3 months off after having number 1. Surely, I could work while rocking his baby chair with my foot, couldn't I? So 3 months turned into 7 years, but when number 2 started nursery, I bought a table and got the brushes out again. 

Actually, it did me a favour. Much as you need to stand back from your painting to see it properly, I found standing back from my techniques made them come into focus. I saw what I liked doing and what I was good at, and found ways around the things I found difficult. Thus working in layers was born, and later, working much more with the help of my digital friend.  So the time off wasn't wasted, it was like waiting for the strawberry jam to set.

This week I have been entertaining the small M's who are having rather too much fun, and have started story number 5 for the Red Wellington's series which is a slightly animated gang of stories. I have also been pouffing up Wally and Bert, who came back with their tail between their legs (that'll be Bert between Wally's legs - all will be revealed) after being returned from an agent. Luckily tomorrow it is going to rain, so I'll be able to concentrate fully on the poor little fellas, as they are feeling like they've been chucked out of Britain's Got Talent. Rock on Wally!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

This afternoon I have been squeezing and squashing some pics into an email to Rob at as he is very kindly going to make a photostory of Vincent. What a fab resource for all things literary and thank goodness for Twitter, without whom I would never have known about the literacy shed. Go on, follow the link and have a look for yourself.

In other news from Scarlett Inc Heights, I've been having a first, second and third go at the front cover for Wally and Bert. Comments welcome!


Sunday, 8 July 2012

12th Wedding Anniversary

What a difference twelve years makes!! 

At this time on 8th July 2000 I was having a nervous breakdown because my hairdresser had decided to go AWOL and did not turn up to pouf my hair in time for my wedding. I had to comb the twigs and stuff out by myself.  I was however, wearing a gorgeous pale gold wedding dress and holding my 10 month old 'Phil Mitchell-alike'. At the allotted time I was waiting outside with our guests, getting worried that my husband to be was late, when in fact he was waiting inside wondering why I was late!!

It turned out to be a lovely day with my Dad and my dear Uncle in attendance, both of whom are now no longer with us and great fun was had by all. We nicked off at 4pm with the rest of the chocolate wedding cake and managed to eat most of it with 'Phil' which looking back on it, was probably the catalyst for our son's love of all things sweet. 

The picture is of me on my wedding day (left) and by contrast, me today, dressed in winter hat, winter coat, DM boots and Wallydog with his winter coat on too.

And here, you can see how 'Phil' has now changed into 'Long haired nearly teenager attached to electric device at all times', along with the smaller version 'Chick Magnet'.

We're off to get something nice to eat and then to settle in front of the tv to watch Andy Murray either WIN Wimbledon (Well done Muzza) or lose to Rog, (Bad luck, Muzza). That covers all bases, doesn't it?