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Monday, 21 May 2012

My Favourite Cardboard box of the day.

Quite unexpectedly, a new postie brought me a box of Royal Fleas this morning. I really thought that the publisher hadn't sent them to print yet, but what they hadn't done was log it on their computer system. 

This is fabulous news because now I will have plenty for the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.
Appley Beachfront on 2/3 May
Bembridge Street Fayre 4 May bank hol Monday.

Other than kissing postmen, I have mostly been prizing Dairylea sandwiches out of Wallydog's mouth today. He has discovered how to get in the compost bin. What a tinker. 

Here's a pic of my favourite cardboard box of the day.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Where the Dickens????

Now I'm nervous! My order for copies of Royal Fleas went in on the 10th May and as yet (8 days later) they have not been printed. Oh cripes, I hope I have copies for the Diamond Jubilee. On a brighter note, I found the best shop in Newport (the Wighty one) in Watchbell Lane. Don't know what it's called but they do dressing up clothes and loads of retro cartoon ephemera. I was in HEAVEN! Dangermouse,Taz, Yogi Bear, Penelope Pitstop, Dastardley and Muttley. It was hard to leave, but at least I managed to get a bald head for Small Fellow to be Voldemort at Halloween. We prepare early in this house.
Tomorrow (19th May) it's Riverfest at Newport Quay from 11. I'll be taking orders for Royal Fleas. TTFN

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Royal Fleas is ready!

The proof for Royal Fleas came today while I was out learning about Lemur Conservation! I've ordered copies to take to the Bembridge Street Fayre on the Monday of the Diamond Jubilee weekend. Hopefully Mr Postie won't let me down. See you there!!