Howdy Lovely People

Welcome to the slightly eccentric world of Scarlett Inc.
Warning: some pictures may make you titter.

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Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Old dogs/ new tricks

GREAT NEWS! a new little being has come to live with us in the shape of a small bat eared totally gorgeous doggie! We've called her Maisie, after, well, someone called Maisie I guess. More dogs to draw!! Wallydog has not quite got the hang of having another naughty little dog to hang around with yet and either runs around the garden in ecstacy or mopes in his bed because she's nicked his chewy bone. Will post a pic of her soon....

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

If you want to view any of my pics that are for sale, you can look at or at and search for jules marriner. Both sites are worth a look for amazing home made things of beauty, but be warned, hours will pass and you will still not have made dinner.  

The Cat Slipper

Even when the brain is otherwise engaged, it is always wise to know
where the cat is sitting.

I've been making a few cards lately. It keeps me out of mischief, and more importantly, out of the cereal cupboard at night time. Here are a couple of my ideas.